Juni 20


The SOS Cube

By Michael

Juni 20, 2013

::introtext::The SOS Cube increases your safety on the road. The idea was born in 2007 – as a unique product for people travelling extensively by car and wishing to protect themselves and others in case of a breakdown or accident. The SOS Cube can be mounted on the car roof without much effort and is ready for use in just a few minutes. The cube with its red and yellow signal colours provides additional protection to broken-down cars. Attaching the cube on your car's roof significantly reduces the risk of accidents as other drivers already realize your car has broken down from a distance, which is clearly sooner than before.

The cube's four sides are labelled with different warning terms and signals:
  • with "HELP"
  • with an exclamation mark ( ! )
Depending on the situation, you turn the appropriate signal word towards the direction of traffic from which others are meant to be warned.

As a result, the SOS Cube makes it possible to secure the scene of an accident or breakdown faster and at a lower risk, also with abandoned broken-down vehicles. Actively encouraging other drivers to render assistance in case of breakdowns and accidents might also be lifesaving when rescuing those that are injured.

The SOS Cube has been tested and approved by TÜV Süd (German Technical Inspection Agency).::/introtext::


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